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Engage, Empower, and Involve our Youth. Critical Steps to a Just Society

We need everyone to educate each other about the impact of elder abuse and the pervasiveness of ageism (biases against older people) in our culture. We all deserve to lead happy lives, free from abuse as we age. Through outreach and statewide engagement, we can raise this social issue to a worldwide priority that must be addressed and prevented. Take action today!

Engage Older People

  • Make a commitment to volunteer this year!
  • Email or conduct physical mailings to circulate this Scam Checklist  so that it reaches older people in your community! Encourage them to keep it by their phone to remind them of what to look out for!
  • Give a caregiver a break! Caregiving is hard work, and providing relief even for a few hours can really bring rejuvenation to those who are struggling. Connect them to local helplines and consider ways that you may be able to safely arrange delivery of groceries, medications, etc.
  • Also, be sure to safely engage in physical distancing and hygiene practices.

Empower Communities

  • Ask your church or organization to add information about elder abuse to their newsletters and televised events! Get some ideas for faith communities or read our Faith Community Guide.
  • Arrange an internet or phone-based presentation to local community centers, schools, assisted living facilities, or other virtual and moderated discussion board based platforms about WEAAD! 
  • Create a virtual event using social networking platforms and free teleconferencing and videoconferencing technologies!

Speak Out!

Involve Youth

  • Ask your teacher to commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15 by virtually educating students on the signs of elder abuse!
  • Create a virtual or mail-in art, essay, or poem contest for kids about the value and respect of older people!
  • Have your sorority or fraternity do a service project by mail or social networking sites to help older people. Arrange through your college or university a friendly caller program, or send cards and letters through your mail carrier to nursing homes or home-bound isolated older people in our neighborhoods.
  • Encourage our teens to start a social media campaign to promote dignity and support for older people.